About The Podcast Setup

Learn, share, and discover other podcast setups from podcasters around the world!

Our weekly newsletter highlights a podcast setup from our community. We’ll explore the hardware, software, and the reasons why podcasters love…podcasting. Please share our newsletter with your peers!

How can you participate?

Sign up for the free newsletter, login to the website, and you’ll be able to send your information through he form.

Please be as detailed as possible when you fill out the form. Take your time taking photos of your podcast setup. The better it looks, the more viewers you will attract!

How can you support The Podcast Setup?

Thanks for asking!

You can help us by signing up as a free newsletter reader and sharing our content on social media with your podcasting peers.

There are two ways to support us monetarily: Assist & Impact annual memberships.

The Assist pledge is a small annual fee that helps us keep the lights on. We’ll return the favor by giving you a shoutout in our newsletter after you make the pledge.

The Impact pledge earns you the ability to share a podcast of your choosing on our support page. This is a great way to show off your contribution to the newsletter and lead our readers to discovering your show.

Who’s publishes this site?

The Podcast Setup is published by Matt Medeiros.

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